Frequently Asked

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Possible questions about the association are listed below

  • To foster camaraderie, mutual assistance, collaboration, and fellowship among its members;
  • To enhance the professional development of its members;
  • To promote the formation of classes that have not yet organized by offering guidance andsupport through the mechanisms and instruments of this Association;
  • To aid the alumni associations of different class years in their goals and initiatives, ensuring they are in line with the overall agenda of the Alumni Association;
  • To provide aid and engage in charitable and civic endeavors for the community;
  • To contribute to the construction of various facilities or projects for the benefit of the school, its students, and the members of the Alumni Association;
  • To combine the resources of the members and all funds received for the achievement of
    the objectives for which the association was established, including government grants when available for specific projects initiated by the Alumni Association.

All graduates of Davao City National High School who have paid the stipulated membership fee are
automatically enrolled as members.

Membership may also be acquired under the following conditions:

  • Must have attended the school for a minimum of two (2) academic years and have completed the requisite application form;
  • Must have been endorsed by at least 3 reputable Alumni and approved by the Board of Trustees;
  • Must have settled the designated Alumni Membership fee.
  • A registered member can engage and network with classmates, batch mates, and other registered alumni worldwide.
  • A member will have the chance to contribute to the Alma Mater through financial donations, sharing professional services or expertise, and creating job opportunities for students and Alumni.
  • A registered member is eligible for election to the Board of Trustees and the opportunity to oversee and manage the Association for the realization of its objectives.
  • Any alumni batch can have their significant activities and achievements featured on the website, subject to approval by the Board and its appointed Administrator.
  • A registered member is kept updated of Alumni activities, projects, the Annual General Assembly and Grand Homecoming and many more.

All DCNHS Graduates are Welcome to Join

Join our association and connect with fellow alumni. We welcome all alumni to engage, network, and contribute to our vibrant community.